The trading threshold of gold futures is1000g per lot. For small investors, the "threshold" of gold futures is relatively high. If the price of gold is 300 yuan/gram, according to the margin ratio of 10%, it will cost 30,000 yuan to invest in the primary gold futures contract.
There are two kinds of forced liquidation in futures: the forced liquidation of futures companies (or self-operated members) by exchanges and the forced liquidation of customers by futures companies.
Forced liquidation due to failure to fulfill the obligation of additional margin.
Forced liquidation due to violation of regulations.
Forced liquidation due to temporary changes in policies or trading rules.
When only the self-operated account defaults, the positions of the self-operated account are closed in the order of the total contract positions.
When only the brokerage account defaults, the balance of settlement reserve and the closing amount of the self-operated account are used to make up for it, and then the positions in the brokerage account are closed according to certain principles;