AA:=VOL/ ((high and low) *2-ABS (closing-opening));
Purchase quantity: = IF(CLOSE & gt;; OPEN, AA* (high-low), if (close <; OPEN, AA* (high opening)+(close-low opening), VOL/2), LINETHICK0, COLORRED.
Sales volume: = IF(CLOSE & gt;; OPEN, 0-AA* (intraday high-closing)+(intraday low), IF (closing & ltOPEN, 0-AA* (high and low), 0-VOL/2)), LINETHICK0, COLORGREEN.
Import and export volume: = buying volume+selling volume, COLOR00FFFF adhesion line (in and out)
Adhesion line (in and out)
Adhesion line (in and out)
Adhesion line (in and out)
STICKLINE (in and out > 0,0, in and out, 3,0), COLOR000099
STICKLINE (in and out > 0,0, in and out, 3,0), COLOR0000CC.
STICKLINE (in and out > 0,0, in and out1.0,0), COLOR0000FF
STICKLINE (access > 0,0, access 0.5,0), colorcc 66ffn: =1; QJ0:= (high+low+near)/3;
QJ 1:=IF (high = low, 1, high-maximum (on and off));
QJ2:=IF (high = low, 1, MAX (off, on)-qj0);
QJ3:=IF (high = low, 1, MIN (on, off)-low);
QJ4:=IF (high = low, 1, QJ0-MIN (closed, open));
QJ5:=VOL/(IF (high = low, 4, high and low));
QJ6:="MACD。 DIF " >“MACD。 The DEA and MACD. DEA " & lt0;
QJ7:="KDJ。 k " >“KDJ。 D "and" KDJ " D " & lt30;
QJ8:="MACD。 DIF " & lt; “MACD。 DEA”;
QJ9:="KDJ。 K " & lt“KDJ。 D "and" KDJ " k " >80;
Extra large: QJ4*QJ5, nodrawbatch order: QJ3*QJ5, nodrawbatch order
Single: QJ 1*QJ5, NODRAW small order: QJ2*QJ5, NODRAW.
W 1:=SUM (large order, N)+SUM (large order, n); W2:=SUM (single,N)+SUM (single,N);
The vibration is 1:= extra large > large single and large single > small single;
Vibration 2:= Extra large
Standard vibration 1:=QJ6 and QJ7
Standard vibration 2:=QJ8 and QJ9
a:= w 1-W2; A0:= IF(A & gt; 0,A,0); B0:= IF(A & lt; 0,A,0);
STICKLINE(A0, 0, A0, 1, 0), COLOR000044 Main positions: EMA (100 * (closing -LLV (low, 34))/(HHV (high, 34)-LLV (low, 34). Main chip concentration: winner (c) * 100, colored;