2. Commodity is the product of the development of human social productive forces to a certain historical stage, and it is a labor product for exchange. The basic attributes of commodities are value and use value. Use value refers to the property that commodities can meet people's needs, and value refers to undifferentiated human labor condensed in commodities. Value is the essential attribute of commodities, and use value is the natural attribute of commodities.
3. So products and commodities are not the same concept. Commodities are products, but products are not necessarily commodities.
First, the product level:
1. Core products: The basic benefits and utility that products bring to buyers, that is, the use value of products, are what customers really want to buy. It is the most basic and important part of the whole product concept.
2. Formal products: the form of realization of core products, that is, the appearance of entities or services provided to the market.
3. Additional products: additional services and benefits that customers can obtain when purchasing products.
Second, the characteristics of goods:
1. As a commodity, it must be a labor product first. In other words, if it is not the product of labor, it cannot be a commodity. For example, the air and sunshine in nature are necessary for human life, but they are not the products of labor, so they cannot be called commodities.
As a commodity, it must also be used for exchange. Commodities can never be separated from exchange. In other words, even if it is not used for exchange, it cannot be called a commodity. For example, in ancient times, the traditional family production, the grain planted and the cloth woven by men and women were all products of labor, but they were only for family members' own use, not for exchange with others, so they were not commodities.
3. Useful to others or society. Without use, there will be no exchange, only with use can there be exchange.
Three different definitions of goods:
1. Commodities are labor products produced for exchange (or used for exchange) and useful to others or society.
2. Commodities are labor products that meet people's needs and are exchanged.
3. Commodity is a labor product that has been exchanged without entering the use process.
Products _ Baidu Encyclopedia
Commodities _ Baidu Encyclopedia