Shareholding per household: =(FINANCE2(37)/ total number of accounts) *10000;
ZH3:=ref (total number of accounts, 3);
HJ3:=ref (each household holds shares, 3);
Active rate: = "Weidong. Effective interest rate # days ";
Singular proportion: = "Weidong. Singular proportion # days ";
Take-all rate: = "Weidong. All-inclusive rate # days ";
DRAWTEXTREL(5, 13,' Total number of accounts (account):' +NUMTOSTRN (total number of accounts, 0)), Color0000FF.
DRAWTEXTREL( 139, 13,' each household holds shares (shares):' +NUMTOSTRN (each household holds shares, 0)) and Color0000FF.
DRAWTEXTREL(290, 13,' Number of rooms increased:'+'Weidong. Number of rooms rising # days'+'homes'), COLOR0000FF
DRAWTEXTREL(390, 13,' Plate number:'+'Weidong. Flat number # day'+'Home'), COLORFFFFFF
DRAWTEXTREL(490, 13,' left the house:'+'Weidong. Drop-off # day'+'home'), COLOR00FF00
DRAWTEXTREL(590, 13,' initiative rate:' +NUMTOSTRN (initiative rate, 2)+'%'), COLOR0033FF.
DRAWTEXTREL(690, 13,' singular ratio:' +NUMTOSTRN (singular ratio, 2)+'%'), COLOR00FF00.
DRAWTEXTREL(790, 13,' full retrieval rate:' +NUMTOSTRN (full retrieval rate, 2)+'%'), COLOR00FFff.
Lianhong: CLOSE & gtOPEN, precise 0, color0000FF, linethick0.
United brigade: finally (closed
m 1:= 5; M2:= 10; M3:= 20; M4:= 30; M5:= 60; M6:= 120;
MA 1:MA (approximately, m1);
MA2: Ma (Guan,);
Ma San: Ma (Guan,);
Ma 4: Ma (Guan,);
MA5: Ma (Guan,);
MA6: Ma (Guan,);
MA 10:=EMA(C, 10);
YCX:= MA5 & gt; =REF(MA5, 1);
H 1:=MAX(MAX(MA5,MA 10),MA30);
L 1:=MIN(MIN(MA5,MA 10),MA30);
DRAWTEXT(h 1 & lt; C and O<L 1 and YCX and MA30 & gtRef (ma30, 1), h * 1.0 18,' string'), COLORYELLOW.
JJ:= (high+low+near)/3;
QJ0:=VOL/IF (high = low, 4, high and low);
QJ 1:=IF (capital =0, QJ0*(JJ-MIN (on)), QJ0*IF (high = low, 1, (MIN (on)-low));
QJ2:=IF (capital =0, QJ0*(MIN (off)-low), QJ0*IF (high = low, 1, (JJ-MIN (off, on)));
QJ4:=IF(CAPITAL=0, QJ0*(MAX (closed, open) -JJ), QJ0*IF (high = low, 1, (MAX (closed, open)-jj));
DDX:=((QJ 1+QJ2)-(QJ3+QJ4))/IF(CAPITAL = 0, 1000000, 10000);
DD:=REF(LLV (closing price, 120),1);
j:=“KDJ。 j”;
DDZ:= DD * 17;
DDY:=((QJ2+QJ4)-(QJ 1+QJ3))/SUM(VOL, 10)* 100;
Play with some money: =CROSS(J, 0) and ((ddx > 0 and DDY>;; 0) or DDZ>;; 400);
a2:=“MACD。 MACD”(26, 12,9);
A 1:=C/REF(C, 1)& lt; 1.099 and A2 & gtREF(A2,1);
A3:= Count (DDX>;; 0.045, 10)>2;
Play with some money 2:= Play with some money and DDX > 0.055 and DDY >; 0.07 and A 1 and a3;
DRAWTEXT (get some money to play 2>0, L*0.97,' earn some money to play'), COLORYELLOW
DRAWTEXT(FILTER(REF(L, 1)& lt; MA4 and C & gtMA4, 7), L*0.96,' short'), COLORMAGENTA
TODAY:= dyna info(7)= CLOSE and(ORDER( 1)= 0,ORDER(2)= 0); {Judge whether there is ideal data}
{ TODAY:= " ddx . ddx " = 0; } {Judge whether there is genuine data}
Ddmr:=IF(TODAY,(" DDEDATA@BIGORDER"( 1,2)-"DDEDATA@BIGORDER"(2,2)),(bigorder( 1,2)-bigorder(2,2)))* vol/capital * 100;
Chb:=IF(TODAY," DDEDATA@BIGORDER"( 1,3),bigorder( 1,3))* AMOUNT;
Dhb:=IF(TODAY,(" DDEDATA@BIGORDER"( 1,2)-"DDEDATA@BIGORDER"( 1,3)),(bigorder( 1,2)-bigorder( 1,3)))* AMOUNT;
Zhb:=IF(TODAY,(" DDEDATA@BIGORDER"( 1, 1)-" DDEDATA @ big order "( 1,2)),(bigorder( 1, 1)-bigorder( 1,2)))* AMOUNT;
Xhb:=IF(TODAY, (1-"ddedata @ bigorder" (1,1)), (1-bigorder( 1, 1)))*.
Chs:=IF(TODAY," DDEDATA@BIGORDER"(2,3),bigorder(2,3))* AMOUNT;
Dhs:=IF(TODAY,(" DDEDATA@BIGORDER"(2,2)-"DDEDATA@BIGORDER"(2,3)),(bigorder(2,2)-bigorder(2,3)))* AMOUNT;
Zhs:=IF(TODAY,(" DDEDATA@BIGORDER"(2, 1)-"DDEDATA@BIGORDER"(2,2)),(bigorder(2, 1)-bigorder(2,2)))* AMOUNT;
Xhs:=IF(TODAY,( 1-"DDEDATA@BIGORDER"(2, 1)),( 1-bigorder(2, 1))* AMOUNT;
Bulk capital: = (xhb-xhs)/10000;
China capital: = (ZHB-ZHS)/10000;
Da Zi: = (DHB-DHS)/10000;
Excess capital: = (CHB-CHS)/10000;
Excess capital and increased position: = excess capital;
Jing Daole Masukura: = Jing Daole;
China Masukura: = China Capital;
Loose funds plus positions: = loose funds;
BBD net value: = (excess capital+large capital);
Drawtextrel (5,85,' BBD (ten thousand):' +NUMTOSTRN(BBD net amount, 0)), linethick 1, color0080ff.
DRAWTEXTREL(5, 155,' Overcapital (ten thousand):' +NUMTOSTRN (over-capital Masukura, 0)), line thickness 1, yellow color;
Drawtextrel (5,225,' Da Zi (ten thousand):' +NUMTOSTRN (Da Zi Masukura, 0)), line thickness 1, color 62 ffff.
Drawtextrel (5,295,' China capital (ten thousand yuan):' +NUMTOSTRN (China capital Masukura, 0)), line thickness 1, coloracffff.
Drawtextrel (5,365,' loose capital (ten thousand):' +NUMTOSTRN (loose capital plus warehouse, 0)), line thickness 1, color ffffff.
DRAWRECTABS(0, 1 18,270,0, 1),COLOR00FF00
Zln: = ref (if (today,if (today," ddedata @ bigorder" ( 1,2),self data(' big buy ')+self data(' big buy '),bigorder( 1,2)),0);
Zlm: = ref (if (today, if (today, "ddedata @ bigorder" (2 2,2), selfdata ('big sale') +SELFDATA ('big sale')), bigorder (2,2), 0);
Tdn: = ref (if (today,if (today," ddedata @ bigorder" ( 1,3),selfdata ('mega buy ')),bigorder( 1,3)),0);
Tdm: = ref (if (today, if (today, "ddedata @ bigorder" (2 2,3), selfdata ('big sale'), bigorder (2,3)), 0);
DDN: = ref (if (today,if (today),(" ddedata @ bigorder" ( 1,2)-"ddedata @ bigorder" ( 1,3)),selfdata ('bulk purchase '),(bigorder (65438)。
DDM: = ref (if (today,if (today),(" ddedata @ bigorder" (2,2)-"ddedata @ bigorder" (2,3)),selfdata ('bulk sales '),(bigorder (2,2)-bigorder (2,3)。
Zdn: = ref (if (today, if (today)), ("ddedata @ bigorder" (1,1)-"ddedata @ bigorder "(1,2)), selfdata ('single purchase'))
ZDM: = ref (if (today,if (today),(" ddedata @ bigorder" (2, 1)-"ddedata @ bigorder" (2,2)),selfdata ('single sale '),(bigorder (2,65438+)。
Sdn: = ref (if (today, if (today, 1-("ddedata @ bigorder" (1,1)), 1-(selfdata ('big buy') +SELFDATA ('big buy').
Sdm: = ref (if (today, if (today, 1-("ddedata @ bigorder" (2, 1)), 1-(selfdata ('big sale') +SELFDATA ('big sale'))
tdj:= tdn-TDM;
ddj:= DDN-DDM;
zdj:= zdn-zdm;
sdj:= sdn-SDM;
zlj:= zln-zlm;
DRAWTEXTREL( 140,85,' accounting '+numtostrn((zlj))* 100, 1)+'% '),color0080ff
Drawtextrel (140, 155,' accounting for' +numtostrn ((tdj) * 100, 1)+'%'), with yellow color;
Drawtextrel (140,225,' accounting for' +numtostrn ((ddj) * 100, 1)+'%', color 62ffff.
Drawtextrel (140,295,' accounting for' +numtostrn ((zdj) * 100, 1)+'%', coloracffff.
Drawtextrel (140,365,' accounting for' +numtostrn ((sdj) * 100, 1)+'%'), color ffffff.
Drawtextrel (200,85,numtostrn ((zlj)) * v,0)+'hand '),Color0080FF
Drawtextrel (200, 155,numtostrn ((tdj) * v,0)+'hand '),COLORYELLOW
Drawtextrel (200,225,numtostrn ((ddj) * v,0)+'hand '),Color62FFFF
Drawtextrel (200,295,numtostrn ((zdj) * v,0)+'hand '),ColorACFFFF
Drawtextrel (200,365,numtostrn ((sdj) * v,0)+'hand '),ColorFFFFFF
Drawtextrel (280,85,' Cang'+numtostrn (50+sum ((vol/capital) *100 * (zlj)), 0), 1)+'%'), color0080ff.
DRAWTEXTREL(280, 155,' Cang'+numtostrn (25+sum ((vol/capital) *100 * (tdj), 0), 1)+'%'), with yellow color;
Drawtextrel (280,225,' Cang'+numtostrn (25+sum ((vol/capital) *100 * (ddj), 0), 1)+'%'), color 62ffff.
Drawtextrel (280,295,' Cang'+numtostrn (25+sum ((vol/capital) *100 * (zdj), 0), 1)+'%'), coloracffff.
Drawtextrel (280,365,' Cang'+numtostrn (25+sum ((vol/capital) *100 * (sdj), 0), 1)+'%'), color ffffff.