Is natural gas futures the same as real-time market?
Natural gas futures are different from the real real-time market, and the direct target is also different. The direct object of spot trading is the commodity itself, including samples, objects and pricing. The direct object of futures trading is futures contracts, not how many contracts to buy or sell. Trading methods are different. Spot transactions are generally one-on-one negotiations to sign a contract, and the specific content is agreed by both parties. If the contract cannot be fulfilled after signing, it will be resorted to law. Futures trading is conducted in an open and fair manner. One-on-one negotiation (or private hedging) is considered illegal. The purpose of the transaction is different. Spot transaction is the transaction of primary currency and primary commodities, and physical delivery and payment settlement are carried out immediately or within a certain period of time. The purpose of futures trading is not to obtain physical objects at maturity, but to avoid price risks or make profits through hedging.