What does it mean to push down multiple moving averages?
The downward pressure of multiple moving averages means that the stock price is lower than the moving average, which is the resistance level in the stock. At this time, the concept that investors want the stock to be profitable is usually very small, and investors are advised to wait and see rather than buy. In addition, when the EMA begins to show a short trend, it means that the stock may pull back for a long time. At this time, investors had better focus on selling and stay away from such stocks.
In the K-chart, when the EMA falls or goes short, there are usually some specific signals that investors can operate according to, as follows:
1 When the stock price is at a high level, there may be neckline, dark clouds covering the top, shooting stars, dead spider shape, top separation shape and M-head shape on the K-line chart. At this time, it is best for investors to sell or wait and see.
Before the stock price is short, the technical indicators generally form a high dead fork on the 0 axis, which may be a top deviation.
Judging from the indicators of the Bollinger Band, when the opening of the Bollinger Band becomes larger, the stock price will start to run downwards, and the market outlook may start to decline. At this time, investors are advised to sell mainly and stay away from it.