Generally, bank loans are repaid with equal principal and interest, with the monthly repayment amount as the unit, and the monthly payment is 50% of the monthly income of the repayment person, so there are many ways for banks to loans overdue.
If the bank fails to negotiate repayment, you can try the following methods to repay:
First, contact your parents. Explain your situation to your parents, seek their help, pay back your monthly payment, and then try to create wealth.
Second, increase the workload. Increase extra income through part-time jobs, hourly jobs, etc. If the monthly repayment period is approaching, you can explain the situation to the employer and advance your salary.
Third, borrow money from relatives and friends. The monthly payment is not very high, and the repayment person can pay the monthly payment first, and then repay the debts owed by relatives and friends through loan turnover. When borrowing money, you can ask many people to borrow a small amount, which is not only convenient for lending, but also conducive to repayment.
Fourth, sell the property under your name. If the borrower has assets such as wealth management products, gold, stocks and futures contracts, it can be sold for repayment. Cars and houses are of high value, and the monthly supply is more than enough, so they generally don't need to be sold.