1 09 10074 * Political Economy (Capital) 3 43 093003 1 Financial Management 2
2 09 10075 * Political Economy (Society) 3 44 0930064 Human Resource Management 2
3 09 100 15 management 3
45 0960 166 Basic Japanese (1) 3
4 09 10204 * Enterprise Management 2 46 0960 167 Basic Japanese (2)
5 09 10058 Calculus (1) 3 47 09600 17 English Translation 2
6 09 10059 Calculus (Part II) 3 48 0960 15 1 English Writing 2
7 091017 * Econometrics 3 49 0960 1 14 Application of Economic Mathematics (1) 2
8 09 100 14 * Accounting 3 50 0960 1 15 Application of Economic Mathematics (2) 2
9 09 10008 * Statistics 3 51096016 Application of Economic Mathematics (3) 2
100910105 * Money and Banking 3 52 0960055 Consumer Economics 2
110910027 * finance 3 53 096006 1 real estate economics 2
120910/09 * international finance 3 54 0960 152 information economics 2
13091015 * western economics (micro) 3 55 0960033 import and export trade practice 2
14091016 * western economics (macro) 3 56 0960 108 international settlement 2
15 09 10033 * International Trade 3 57 0960083 Foreign Trade Correspondence (English) 2
16 09 10024 * Marketing 3 58 0960066 Business Negotiation 2
17091010 * Selected readings on Capital 3 59 0960076 Market Survey 2
18091012 * Development Economics 3 60 0960 100 International Commercial Law 2
19091011* History of Economic Theory 2 6 1 0960093 Business Etiquette 2
20 09 10037 * International Economics 2 62 0960047 Business Experiment 2
2 1 0930063 Linear Algebra 3 63 0960 153 Financial Marketing 2
22 0930045 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics 3 64 0960065 Insurance 2
23 0930 102 Financial English (1) 2 65 0960084 Futures Trading 2
24 0930 103 Financial English (Part II) 2 66 0960 154 Management of Commercial Banks 2
25 09300 15 Economic Law 2 67 0960 160 Capital Operation 2
26 0930 104 Economic Method 2 68 0960 155 Foreign Exchange Trading and Risk Prevention 2
27 0930002 Institute of Contemporary Western Economics 2 69 0960 156 Central Banking 2
28 0930 105 Seminar on Economics 2 70 0960 157 National Budget Management 2
29 0930054 World Economy 2 7 1 0960 158 State-owned Assets Management 2
30 0930006 Labor Economics 2 72 0960 159 Social Security 2
3 1 0930062 Industrial Economics 2 73 0960075 Public Economics 2
32 0930034 Regional Economics 2 74 0960090 Public Relations 2
33 0930033 Agricultural and Rural Economics 2 75 0960087 Management Information System 2
34 0930057 Resource and Environmental Economics 2 76 0960042 Operational Research 2
35 0930058 China Economic Frontier Issues 2 77 0960 10 1 Management Accounting 2
36 0930048 Introduction to Electronic Commerce 2 78 0960 16 1 Chinese Economic History 2
37 0930055 Logistics Management 2 79 0960 162 Foreign Economic History 2
38 0930 106 International Marketing (UK) 2 80 0960 163 International Economic Organization 2
39 0930 107 Introduction to Investment 2 8 1 0960054 World Trade Organization 2
40 0930056 Securities investment 2 82 0960 164 Comparison of economic indicators between China and the United States 2
4 1 0930 108 International Investment 2 83 0960 165 National Economy 2
42 093005 1 Organizational Behavior II