198 1 dollar exchange 1 RMB.
1982 1 USD is converted into 1.9249 RMB.
1983 1 USD is converted into 1.9573 RMB.
1984 1 USD converted into RMB 2.2043.
1985 USD 1 RMB 2.9366.
1986 1 USD to RMB 3.4528.
1987 1 USD to 3.722 1 RMB.
1988 1 USD to 3.722 1 RMB.
1989 1 USD to 3.765 1 RMB.
1990 $ 1 is RMB 4.7832.
The data comes from the website of China People's Bank. Due to different calculation methods, the data in the above table may be slightly different from those from other sources.
Over the past half century, the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar has experienced four processes: stability (1950s and 1960s), appreciation (1970s), depreciation (early 1980s and 1990s) and stability (mid-1990s to present).
Official website of China People's Bank