The market will open on October 8 after the National Day:
The Shanghai Stock Exchange website released the "Notice on the Shanghai Stock Exchange's Annual Market Closure Arrangements for 2023". The specific content of the notice is as follows:
In accordance with the requirements of the China Securities Regulatory Commission's "Notice on Arrangements for Holidays and Market Closures on Certain Holidays in 2023", the Shanghai Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the "SSE") now notifies the following arrangements for market closures throughout 2023.
1. Market closing arrangements
(1) New Year’s Day: The market will be closed from January 1 (Sunday) to January 2 (Monday), and will continue as usual from January 3 (Tuesday) Open.
(2) Spring Festival: The market will be closed from January 27 (Friday) to February 2 (Thursday), and will open as usual from February 3 (Friday). In addition, the market will be closed on the weekends on January 22 (Sunday) and February 4 (Saturday (16.790, -0.14, -0.83%)).
(3) Qingming Festival: The market will be closed from April 2 (Sunday) to April 4 (Tuesday), and will open as usual from April 5 (Wednesday). In addition, the market will be closed on April 1 (Saturday) for the weekend.
(Thursday) Labor Day: The market will be closed from April 29 (Saturday) to May 1 (Monday), and will open as usual from May 2 (Tuesday).
(Friday) Dragon Boat Festival: The market will be closed from May 28 (Sunday) to May 30 (Tuesday), and will open as usual from May 31 (Wednesday). In addition, the market will be closed on May 27 (Saturday) for the weekend.
(Saturday) Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day: The market will be closed from October 1 (Sunday) to October 8 (Sunday), and will open as usual from October 9 (Monday). In addition, the market will be closed on September 30 (Saturday) for the weekend.
2. Relevant liquidation matters shall be carried out in accordance with the arrangements of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd.
3. Regarding testing matters during the Spring Festival and National Day, our office will notify you separately.
The legal holiday regulations for this year’s National Day are 3 days, from October 1st to 3rd, but with the "double holidays" of Saturday and Sunday, the total holiday is 7 days.
The specific holiday arrangements are as follows: From October 1st to 7th, there will be a day off, ***7 days. No rest on October 8 (Saturday) and October 9 (Sunday).