Vega value-the sensitivity of the warrants to the fluctuation of the extension volatility, which reflects that when the extension volatility changes by one unit, the price of the warrants will change
theoretically, and the Vega value will always be positive. The greater the value, the greater the risk that investors will face the fluctuation of the extension volatility.
every 1% change in option volatility will cause several changes in its price, also known as Vega value.
the risk indicators of options are usually expressed in Greek letters, including: delta value, gamma value, theta value, vega value, rho value, etc.
Vega(ν): When measuring the fluctuation of the underlying asset price, the change range of the option price is used to measure the influence of the fluctuation of the futures price on the option value.
Vega refers to the sensitivity between the change of option fee (p) and the Volatility of the underlying exchange rate.
the formula is: Vega= option price change/volatility change.