The absolute value range of KD is 0 ~ 100, which is divided into several areas: over 80 is overbought area, below 20 is oversold area, and the rest is wandering area. Generally speaking, KD & gt80 can be considered for sale, KD.
The index value of J is greater than 100 and less than 0, which belongs to the abnormal price area. More than 100 is overbought, less than 0 is oversold. Generally speaking, when the value of j is ~ 100, especially when it is greater than 100 for three consecutive days, the price often appears short-term head; When the value of j is ¢0, especially when it is less than 0 for three consecutive days, the price often appears short-term bottom again.
Note: The cross application of KD index mentioned above includes the following three situations: (1)K crosses D from bottom to top, for example, K crosses D is a golden cross, which is a buy signal. However, whether you should buy a gold fork depends on other conditions. The first condition is that the position of the golden fork should be relatively low, especially in the oversold area, the lower the better; (2) The number of intersections with D is sometimes at a low level, and K and D have to intersect back and forth several times. Crossing at least 2 times, the more the better; (3) is the position of the intersection point relative to the low point of KD line, which is often referred to as the "right intersection point" principle. K only intersects D when D looks up, which is much more reliable than when D is still falling.