The dollar index measures the strength of the dollar by calculating the comprehensive change rate of the dollar and a selected basket of currencies. Among them, a basket of currencies includes euro/yen/Australian dollar/Swiss franc/pound and other currencies. The constituent currencies, that is, all the non-American currencies mentioned above, account for nearly 60%, which means that when calculating the US dollar index, the exchange rate of the euro against the US dollar has a weight of 60%.
Weight is a relative concept, aiming at an indicator. The weight of indicators refers to their relative importance in the overall evaluation. It measures the strength of the US dollar by calculating the comprehensive rate of change between the US dollar and a selected basket of currencies, thus indirectly reflecting the changes in US export competitiveness and import costs. Dollar index USDX: USDX = 50.14348112× EUR/USD (-0.576) × USD/JPY (0. 136) × GBP/USD (-0.1)