Xiao Zhao asked A, B and C to guess. A said, "it's 937 15." B said, "It's 79538." C said, "Yes 15239." Xiao Zhao said: "Whoever says that the number on a certain number is the same as the number I wrote, even if he guessed the number correctly."
Now all three of you have the same number of numbers, and every number of this number has been guessed right. The numbers that everyone guessed right are not adjacent. "Excuse me, what is this five-digit number?
Because everyone guessed the right numbers equally, obviously at least two people guessed right, a total of five, so one of them guessed right again and again.
Look at this number.
937 15
Obviously, this repeated guess must be 3, so the ten digits are 3.
Also, according to the fact that the digits of everyone's right numbers are not adjacent, it is concluded that the single digits can't be 8 and 9, so the single digits must be 5, so it can't be 5 or 3 on a thousand digits, and it can only be 9 on a thousand digits.
So the 10,000-digit number is not 9, and the first number 5 is 937 15. Except for 5, it is impossible to guess 9,3 and 1 (because it is adjacent to 5), so only 7 is right, so the digit of 100 is 70000, only 1, so this number is "19735".