According to legend, there was a cave owner Wu before the Qin and Han Dynasties in the south, and the natives called it Wu Cave. Marry two wives, and one wife dies. There is a female name, Xian Ye, who doesn't pay much attention. She is good at pottery (a hook) and gold, and her father likes it very much. At the end of the year, my father died and suffered from my stepmother, which often made firewood dangerous. When I tasted a fish scale more than two inches, my eyes were golden. I soaked them in a basin. The days were long, easy to count and unbearable, but they were thrown into the back pool. If a woman earns more food, she should indulge in it. When a woman comes to the pool, the fish will show their heads on the pillow, and the others will never come back. The mother fish knows that every time she waits for it, the fish has never seen it. Because she cheated the woman, she said, "I have nothing to work hard for. I am new to you." Is easy to its disadvantages. Then I drew from other springs and counted hundreds of miles (a work). The mother wears her daughter's clothes and goes to the swimming pool with pointed sleeves. Call fish, fish comes first. If you kill it, the fish will grow longer. Eating its meat tastes like fish, and hiding its bones under the depression. After a day, the woman went to the pool, and she couldn't see any fish anymore, just crying in the wild. Suddenly someone gave her coarse clothes and fell from the sky, comforting her and saying, "I didn't cry. My mother killed my fish and my bones were under the dung." You can hide the fishbone in your room when you come back. If you need to pray first, you should follow me "Women use their words, and Jin Ji is well-fed as she wishes. On the Dongtian Festival, when the mother goes, the maid stays in court. A woman waited for her mother to go away and left, spinning a coat in her clothes and walking on gold shoes. The daughter born to her mother recognized it and said that her mother said, "This is very similar to my sister." Mother also doubts this. The woman felt rebellious and left a shoe for the caveman. Mom is back, but I don't care if I see a woman sleeping in a tree. Its cave is adjacent to the island, with the name of Tuoba Han, strong soldiers, dozens of islands and thousands of miles of water. Neanderthals bought shoes in Tuoba Han, and the Lord got them, and ordered people to take them everywhere, and the little ones took off an inch. It was a woman who let a country go, but no one said. Light as wool, silent. King Khan of Tuo means that the people in his cave are not enlightened, so they are imprisoned and plundered, but they don't know what to do. So being abandoned on the side of the road means that people are arrested and women are arrested. The strange thing about King Tokhan is that he searched his room and got a limit, which made him believe it. The leaves are limited by clothes, creeping in, and the color is like heaven and man. Beginning with the king, fish bones and leaves returned to China. His mother and daughter were killed by flying stones, and the cave people mourned and buried them in a stone pit, which was called the mourning grave. Neanderthals think? Sacrifice, ask women to respond. King Tuohan took the kingdom as his wife and Ye Xian as his wife. One year, Wang was greedy for fish bones, and Baoyu was infinite. In these years, it should never be again. Wang Nai buried the fish bones on the coast, hiding them with pearls and hooves, and taking gold as the boundary. If you want to levy a pawn to rebel, you must send troops to support you. One night, it was flooded by the tide. Li Shiyuan, Shicheng's old family, heard about it. Shi, a cave dweller in Yongzhou, remembers many strange things in the south.
According to legend, before the Qin and Han Dynasties, there was a cave called Wu, and the locals called him Wu Dong. He married two wives, one of whom died, leaving a daughter named Xian Ye, who was gentle and virtuous since childhood and was good at panning for gold. Wu Dong loves her very much. A few years later, Wu Dong also died, and Xian Ye was abused by her stepmother. She is often asked to cut wood in the mountains and fetch water from deep pools.
At that time, I kept a fish, two inches long, with red dorsal fin and golden eyes. I carefully fed the fish in my washbasin. The fish grows every day, and several utensils are changed. Soon, it grew up, and there was no room in the basin, so Ye Yan put it in the pond behind the yard. Save some money for meals every day. After the leaf limit, the fish will swim to the shore to show their heads, and the others will sink to the bottom. Her stepmother noticed this. Every time she peeked at the pond, she couldn't see any fish, so she lied to Xian Ye and said, "You are tired recently. I made you a new dress. " So she took off her old clothes, and then asked her to fetch water from another spring, going back and forth for hundreds of miles. The stepmother slowly put on her daughter's clothes and went to the pond to call for fish with a sharp knife hidden in her sleeve. The fish surfaced and was immediately hacked to death by her. This fish has grown to more than ten feet long. Eating its meat is twice as delicious as other fish. After eating the remaining fishbone, my mother hid in the cesspit.
The next day, the leaves were confined in the pond, but there were no fish, so I cried in the wild. Suddenly a person with loose hair and rough clothes fell from the sky, comforting her and saying, "Don't cry, your mother killed your fish!" " The bones were thrown into the cesspit. You go back, take it out and hide it in the house. If you need something, just pray for it and you will get it. "Ye Xian did as he said, and sure enough, he could get everything he wanted.
In the cave festival, the stepmother left, leaving Xian Ye to watch the door at home. Xian Ye waited for them to go far, followed them and put on clothes made of kingfisher feathers and shoes made of gold and silver silk thread. The stepmother's daughter recognized him and told her mother, "That man looks like her sister." Stepmother is also very skeptical. Xian Ye noticed, hurried back, lost a shoe, and was picked up by the caveman. When the stepmother came back, she saw her daughter sleeping in the yard with the tree, so she no longer doubted her.
There is an island near this cave named Wu. There is a country on the island called Tuoba Han, which is powerful and rules dozens of nearby islands, covering an area of thousands of nautical miles. Neanderthals sold them gold shoes, and the king got them. Let the people around you put it on. This pair of shoes is one inch smaller than small shoes. So he ordered women all over the country to try them on, but none of them fit. Shoes are as light as feathers, and there is no sound when stepping on stones. Tuoba Hanwang guessed that the Neanderthal got the shoes by improper means, so he was detained and tortured. Finally, he didn't know where the shoes came from. The king thought who left it by the side of the road, so he went to the house in this cave to look for the same shoes. If someone has the same shoes, he will arrest them and appeal. Caught the leaf limit, TaBaHanwang let leaf limit try it on, which is very suitable. Then Ye Xian put on a jade coat and two shoes, looking like a fairy in the sky. This just told the king everything, and King Tuohan went back with the leaf limit and the fishbone. The stepmother and her daughter were killed by flying stones, and the caveman felt sorry for them, so he dug a stone pit and buried it, called the mourning grave.
After the king brought Xian Ye back to China, he was made the first lady. One year, the king became greedy and asked the fish bones to give him infinite gems. As a result, the next year, I asked for fish bones and found nothing. The king buried the fish bones by the sea. Hide it with a hundred beads and mark it with gold. Later, Tuoba state-owned rebels rebelled, and the king wanted to dig up a reward army. As a result, the buried place was flooded overnight.