Crude oil investment mode 1: account crude oil
Account crude oil is an investment trading product provided for individual customers. The share of crude oil is bought and sold in RMB or USD, and only the share is counted and the physical crude oil is not extracted. When the price of crude oil is expected to rise, customers can get the spread income by buying first and selling later.
Crude oil investment mode 2: crude oil futures
Crude oil futures are the most important oil futures. At present, there are four important crude oil futures contracts in the world: the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) light and low-sulfur crude oil WTI futures contract, high-sulfur crude oil WTI futures contract, London International Petroleum Exchange (IPE) Brent crude oil futures contract and Singapore Exchange (SGX) Dubai acid crude oil futures contract.
In addition to crude oil futures, other oil futures include heating oil, fuel oil, gasoline and light diesel oil.
Crude oil investment mode 3: spot crude oil.
Spot crude oil investment transaction refers to a transaction mode in which buyers and sellers deliver physical crude oil immediately or in a short time according to the agreed payment method and delivery method for the demand of physical crude oil and the purpose of selling physical crude oil. In spot trading, with the transfer of commodity ownership, the exchange and circulation of crude oil entities are completed at the same time. Therefore, the spot trading of crude oil is the direct embodiment of the operation of crude oil commodities.