Judging from the price of gasoline per liter (calculated in RMB), the oil price in China is very expensive compared with that in the United States, but not very expensive compared with that in European countries.
China's oil price is higher than that of the United States because the domestic oil price adjustment mechanism is unreasonable and unscientific. The tax on fuel products in China is relatively high, much higher than that in the United States. According to relevant data, the tax burden accounts for 47% of China's refined oil price, 32 points higher than that of the United States, which may be the main reason for the high oil price in China and the low oil price in the United States.
Since China's oil price is in line with international standards, the oil price adjustment mechanism should also be in line with international standards, and the tax revenue should also be in line with international standards, especially the departmental interests of three barrels of oil should be completely broken. China oil prices can really return to a reasonable track.