Those who make financial investments understand the importance of market trends, and investing in micro-transactions in Weiwei Wealth is certainly no exception. However, most people have no way of analyzing the market trends of micro-transactions? We try to give a brief explanation here for your reference. If necessary, we will try to do a more in-depth and easy-to-understand analysis in the future. Please give us more feedback so that we can do better together and be a winning team in the micro-transactions of Weiwei Wealth.
So, to do Weiwei Wealth micro-transactions well, what market trends do we need to start with? There are probably three aspects worth paying attention to. The first is micro-transaction market trend analysis and price trend judgment; the second is fundamental analysis, which is to judge the future price trend through the analysis of the value of the commodity itself; and the last point is the technical aspect. Analysis, judging the price trend through the analysis of the market itself.
Fundamental analysis is to solve the direction problem and medium and long-term trend problem of the micro-transaction market. Its main basis is the law of value and the law of supply and demand. This analysis method focuses on the direct and indirect impact of political, economic, legal, and regulatory implementation on the supply and demand relationship of commodities, as well as the production and consumption of commodities.
First, let’s get familiar with what supply and demand are. The underlying asset of micro-transactions is a product of the market economy, so its price is affected by the relationship between supply and demand. Obviously, if supply exceeds demand, the price will fall, and if supply exceeds demand, the price will rise. In the Weiwei Fortune micro-transaction market, the price of the underlying assets is also affected by economic factors. As economic factors change, the prices of the underlying assets of micro-transactions will rise and fall. Of course, there are also policy factors. Certain policies and measures formulated by various countries will have varying degrees of impact on market prices.
In addition, the price of the underlying assets of micro-transactions will also be affected by investor psychological factors. This is because the underlying assets of micro-transactions are actually original futures, which use world-wide market trends. The psychological factor we mentioned here is the degree of investor confidence in the market, which is what we often call popularity. If most investors are optimistic about a commodity, the price will rise even if there is no good news. If investors are already very unfavorable about a commodity, the price will still fall even if there is no bad news. There are also many speculators who will take advantage of investors' psychology to achieve their own goals. They will spread certain news and then artificially carry out speculation activities, buying or selling to make profits.
Technical analysis is to judge the price trend through the analysis of the market itself. Generally, we have three assumptions about this trend theory. They are: market behavior reflects everything, which means that changes in market conditions will eventually be expressed through market behavior, and investors can analyze market behavior and combine it with their own experience. , think independently, put aside the herd mentality, and get predictions and judgments in advance; prices change in trends, and to a large extent, the price of the underlying assets of micro-transactions is determined by the relationship between supply and demand; history will repeat itself, and the price factors of the underlying assets of micro-transactions It is also determined by various reasonable and unreasonable factors. If small changes in price are ignored, the price will produce a certain trend within a period of time, evolving towards the same trend in each interval, forming interval shocks.
In Weiwei Wealth micro-transactions, we often use K-line as an analysis tool, that is, candle chart. Common analysis models include two yang and one yin, two yin and one yang, three crows, and tower type. Top, M head, double bottom (W bottom), V-shaped bottom, tower bottom, and golden cross and dead cross, etc. The emergence of each signal heralds different trends in the market outlook. Specifically, how to obtain profits from micro-transaction investments through these signals, you can pay attention to YY Voice's "Jinde Micro-Transaction Lecture" between 8:00 and 9:00 pm every weekday. During the live broadcast, professional teachers will provide in-depth analysis and guidance every evening. The YY channel number is "95970259".