Remember the loan. If you don't repay the loan for a long time, you will basically count on the handling fee and late payment fee. As for the general loan company, he will entrust a third party to collect debts and days. The way is to get your address book, and then call your relatives and friends to let them know that it forces you to repay.
Does Sina call the family by stages?
Sina will not call family members during the review stage. If there is a telephone audit, it is also a telephone audit to the work unit. However, if the borrower fails to repay the loan on time during the repayment period, Sina will try to get information from the contact person when it is unable to contact the borrower himself. The phone number of the contact person is the family number, so you can call your family.
However, as long as users pay back on time, Sina will not call their families in installments.
Will Sina go home after the deadline?
Sina usually calls for collection after the installment is overdue, unless the amount is very high, it will come to find someone.
Sina is divided into stages. Why did I call my relatives and friends two days late? How can I know the telephone numbers of my relatives and friends?
Because when you install the software, the software has read your phone address book by default, and when you do operator authentication (the one who received the verification code), he has read your recent phone records, so it is normal to call family and friends.