In fact, CFA's highest level of English is level 3, and level 1 English and major are not too difficult. With your qualifications, it will be no problem to register for CFA Level 1 exam in June next year. Moreover, the CFa exam process is a good English learning process, and there is no need to supplement financial vocabulary.
In addition, it will take two and a half years at the earliest to complete CFA. You are still at school, so you have a lot of time. Take the exam early and try to pass Grade 2 or Grade 3 when you graduate, which will be of great help to all aspects of your employment. It is difficult to take the exam after work. Without much time to study, many people finally gave up. Therefore, it would be uneconomical to waste time to take the financial English test, and CFA has no time and energy to take it.
Many of my friends or people around me have passed the undergraduate level 1, level 1. Don't worry too much, just take the exam. Once you sign up, you will also give yourself great motivation to learn. Poor English is an excuse, don't let yourself relax.