This is the active fund balance of all securities accounts associated with China Bank Card. Asset securitization products are generally traded at spreads exceeding a benchmark interest rate. Asset securitization can help investors expand their investment scale. The risk weight of general securitization products is much lower than that of basic assets. If you withdraw cash, it depends on what securities you buy.
The securities in modern securitization transactions are generally not a single product, but different grades of securities can be designed through the division and combination of cash flows. Different grades of securities have different repayment orders to smooth the fluctuation of cash flow.
Others combine different kinds of securities to form synthetic securities, which can better meet the same preferences of different investors in terms of term, risk and interest rate. Asset securitization technology can provide unlimited securities and flexible credit, maturity date, repayment structure and so on. So that investors can "create" specific securities.
Extended data:
The benefits of asset securitization to investors;
(1) Asset securitization provides a high-grade new financing tool for the original owner.
(2) The original owner can maintain and enhance his borrowing ability.
(3) The original owner can improve its capital adequacy ratio.
(4) The original owner can reduce the financing cost.
(5) The original owner will not lose the management decision-making power of the enterprise.
(6) The original owner can get higher income.
Baidu encyclopedia-asset securitization