This setting is valid for the specified registry and the specified file types (this is RD and FD), but is it valid for the specified and specific programs? For example, I have such a software on disk D: d:\ Securities and Futures \dzh2, which is a stock software called "Great Wisdom New Generation" and the main program is "dzh2.exe". After the software runs, it will access the Great Wisdom server to receive the stock market data, and then read and write to the disk, create data, and access the bottom of the disk. If you don't do anything, now I will make the following settings, that is, according to what you said, set a preset grouping in the "private data" here, and then set the specific settings, as shown in the figure. After kis20 10 runs, the query is still intercepted after the pop-up window, just like before the preset. Try it yourself, will you? Excuse me, everyone, a master with few words, a program like this, except
Run the program-let kis judge the grouping automatically-and then move to the trusted group by itself. Is there any other way to make it run without being blocked and asked? Supplement: Set to
D:\ Securities and Futures \dzh2\dzh2.exe, the result is the same. After running this program, questions will still pop up. Edit it as D:\ Securities and Futures \dzh2\*
Because when the program is running, not only the main program dzh2.exe will be blocked, but also the program will read and write the data in this folder, and kis will also ask when moving to other types of files (data files).