the p>pH value is 6~9. According to the Notice of the Environmental Protection Department of Yunnan Province on Printing and Distributing the Comprehensive Wastewater Discharge Standard of Industrial Enterprises in Yunnan Province (Yunhuanfa [22] No.76), the wastewater discharge standards for coffee bean production and processing in Pu 'er City are as follows:
1. The wastewater discharge standards for production and processing: CODcr ≤ 3mg/L, BOD5 ≤ 1mg/L, SS ≤ 1 mg/L.
2. Comprehensive wastewater discharge standard: CODcr ≤ 1mg/L, BOD5 ≤ 3mg/L, SS ≤ 3mg/L, and pH value is 6~9.