Common unit conversion soybean conversion 1 USD/bushel = 36.7437 USD/ton 1 bushel/acre = 0.0672 ton/hectare = 4.4799 kg/acre 1 bushel = 60 lbs = 0.0272 metric ton = 0.0268. 1 metric ton = 1. 1023 short ton =2204.622 lb soybean oil = 22.0462 USD/ton 1 pound = 0.0004536 mt 1 metric ton =2204.622 lb corn. Acre = 0.0627 190 12 ton/ha = 4. 18 126749 kg/mu 1 bushel = 56 lbs = 0.02540 1 mu. Metrton = 39.36825 bushels area = 654538+0 hectares = 10000 square meters =2.47 1 mu = 15 mu 1 square inch =6.452 square centimeters 1 mu = 0. = 10.764 square foot 1 square mile =2.590 square kilometer length conversion 1 kilometer =0.62 1 mile = 1.609 kilometer 1 meter = 3.28/kloc-. 38+0 inch = 2.54cm 1 nautical mile = 1 .852km 1 yard = 3ft 1 pole = 1 6.5ft1mile = 5280ft/kloc-. Volume conversion 1 liter = 0.264 gallon = 0.0284 bushel 1 cubic centimeter =0.06 1 cubic inch 1 cubic meter = 1.308 cubic yard =35.32 cubic feet 1 cubic meter. Code = 0.7646m3 1 bushel = 35.239L 1 gallon = 3.7854L 1 ounce (liquid volume) = 29.57ml weight conversion 1 kg = 2.2046lb 1 kg. 0.23 lb =0.055 1 short ton =0.05 mt 1 cwt (100 lb) =45.359 kg =0.0454 mt 1 g =0.035 oz 1 oz (.
Calculation formula of landed import cost American soybean import cost accounting formula (unit: RMB): [(CBOT futures price+FOB premium) × unit conversion coefficient+sea freight ]× value-added tax × tariff × RMB exchange rate+port fee American corn import cost accounting formula (unit: USD): (CBOT futures price+FOB premium). × unit conversion factor+sea freight Formula for calculating the import cost of South American soybean meal (unit: RMB): [(CBOT futures price+FOB premium )× unit conversion factor+sea freight ]× value-added tax× tariff × RMB exchange rate+port and miscellaneous charges Formula for calculating the import cost of South American soybean oil (unit: RMB): [(CBOT futures price+FOB premium )× unit conversion factor+sea freight.