If you want to describe the form in a formulaic way, you should define at least two approximate examples of K-lines, the yin and yang situation of the two K-lines at that time, whether to define a large number and so on.
For example, the magnification of the following formula is more than twice that of the 20-day moving average, and the distance between two K lines is 10 days. The first one is the negative line, the second one is the positive line when it breaks through, and the upper shadow line accounts for more than 20% of the total K line.
n:= 10;
t 1:= bars last(O & gt; C & amp& ampV/REF(MA(V,20), 1)>2);
XG:T 1REF(H,t 1)& amp; & amp(H-C)/(H-L)>0.2 & amp& ampC & gto;