Whether it is a top investor or other investors, as long as the investor does not like the bear market, why, because the bear market cannot make money. There is such confusion in the theme, mainly because most value investors, such as Buffett, like to buy stocks and collect chips, but this does not mean that they like the bear market, because if there is no bull market, you cannot get excess returns. Without returns, how can you like the bear market? . When the stock price drops to a certain price, most retail investors have no stocks, and most of them are concentrated in the hands of institutions. In order to attract more retail investors to their stocks, they need to raise prices and entice them to sell.
Whether it is to raise or lower the stock price to attract funds, the purpose is the same, to get all the chips and wait for the opportunity to sell them. In short, the so-called top investors have their own profit methods and rely on large amounts of funds and information asymmetry to obtain the interests of weak investors. Market rules limit the possibility of short-term profits for large investors, because once the daily trading volume reaches a certain amount, it will be deemed to be market manipulation. This limits the profit cycle of large investors and also protects the interests of small investors.
The reason most top investors express similar sentiments is because they only view bear markets as part of their overall investment process. Whenever they complete their chip collection in a bear market and then successfully cash out in a bull market, in order to demonstrate their superb investment skills, of course they will inevitably make similar comments to prove how effective their buying strategy is in a bear market. wise. They also tell you that I made my money chasing high buys in bull markets. You've probably never heard a comment like this. So it's not that they like bear markets, but that they always like to use bear markets to set off their superb investment skills, which is a bragging routine.
The stock market, according to the inherent laws of the economic market, for retail investors and general large investors, a bull market is always better than a bear market! This is an irrefutable truth proven by history! But, for some super alligators, traders love bear markets. One is that there are insiders who quietly take advantage of the bear market to pick up cheap stock chips and wait for the bull market to rise to make money; the other is that there are speculators who take advantage of the bad market conditions and take advantage of the opportunity to exchange stock chips in their hands to complete stock acquisitions! In the bear market of the futures market, if a unilateral downward bear market is formed, it will be good news for some large institutional operators to make money! Due to the unilateral decline in the bear market, the operator's operations have become simpler, more practical, more profitable, and more effective! It’s so simple that institutional operators can make a lot of money just by buying it.