As for the leading indicators of stocks, we mainly think that they are influenced by two major forces. The first is the strength of the market itself; The second is the influence of policies and news in the market. Investors often use leading indicators to judge the future trend and development direction of this stock, but we should know that these leading indicators do not refer to macroeconomic leading indicators, nor are they specific technical indicators.
It mainly means that some sectors and stocks in the market are ahead of the market movement, and the ups and downs of these stocks will have a great impact on the market, and the ups and downs of these stocks also have a certain degree of market research and judgment value. The stock market has leading indicators for reference, including but not limited to the following technical indicators, mainly including the following contents:
First, the first one is that KDJ Golden Cross is an important indicator of the market outlook and one of the leading indicators.
Second, the second is when MACD mainly changes from green to red, which is one of the signs that the technical form is beginning to improve.
Third, the third volume is VOL-TDX, which is more than one third of the previous volume, and the market outlook is likely to break through.
These three indicators mainly refer to the best time to buy in the market, and it is possible that there will be a breakthrough in the market outlook. The first KDJ indicator, also known as stochastic indicator, is a novel and practical indicator. The first market to be used is futures market analysis, which is mainly used for short-term trend analysis of the stock market. It is the most common technical analysis tool.
The second indicator is MACD, and the Chinese name mainly refers to the moving average of similarities and differences. Its source is mainly developed from the double exponential moving average, and the related calculation formula is MACD= exponential moving average (EMA 12)- slow exponential moving average (EMA26)x2. The main significance of this indicator lies in: first, it indicates the current long-short state of the stock and the possible development and change trend of the stock price in the future, and its main purpose is to represent the change of the market trend.
The third is the VOL-TDX indicator, which mainly refers to a virtual indicator, that is, it is assumed that the current trading volume will continue within one day to estimate the trading volume within one day. This indicator is one of the simplest and most commonly used indicators in the volume type.
But this article is all here. I hope the introduction and explanation of the leading indicators mentioned above will help you. If you want to know more about stock basics after reading, such as obv indicators, please pay attention to us. There is a wealth of financial knowledge waiting for you. Thank you for reading this.