Bermuda (English: Bermuda), translated by Hong Kong and Taiwan, was originally named Summers Island. Located in the North Atlantic, it is an autonomous British overseas territory. It is located at 32 degrees north latitude 14 minutes to 32 degrees 25 minutes and 64 degrees 38 minutes to 64 degrees 53 minutes west longitude.
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Bermuda and Gonzá lez Ferdinando Oviedo speculated on Bermuda around1514-1515, intending to buy pigs on the island as fresh meat futures and sell them to future ships. However, the bad weather in Bermuda prevented them from landing.
A few years later, a Portuguese ship returning from Santo Domingo hit two rocks on the reef. The crew tried their best to rescue and built a new hull with Bermuda cypress in the next four months, returning to the original starting point.
It is said that one of the stranded crew members carved the initials "R" and "P" and the year "1543" on the Spanish rock. The original letter may be a symbol of "Rex Portugaline", but it was later misinformed by the Spanish, so that this stone was mistakenly called "Spanish stone".