As for the characteristics of volatility, the larger the difference, the greater the volatility, and vice versa. Volatility is an indicator that measures how much market prices fluctuate up and down. It is usually expressed as the difference between the highest point of the market price fluctuation of the same commodity and its lowest point.
In the futures market, futures varieties with larger market fluctuations bring greater risks to investors than futures varieties with smaller market fluctuations, but they may also bring greater benefits to traders. . Therefore, in the futures market, traders usually tend to choose futures varieties with large market fluctuations as their investment targets.
Among those who participate in futures trading, hedgers (or hedgers) lock in profits and costs by buying and selling futures, thereby reducing the risk of price fluctuations caused by time. Speculators (arbitrageurs) take more risks through futures trading, looking for opportunities to make profits from price fluctuations.