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All bonds;
Rising global bond yields are also a factor.
Rising global bond yields are also a factor.
With the House of Representatives' vote to raise the debt ceiling yesterday (unsurprisingly, a resounding "No"), we think we should take this opportunity to provide you with an in-depth guidance to deal with the possible intensified fluctuations in the global currency, bond and stock markets in the coming months.
On Wednesday, the US House of Representatives voted on whether to raise the US debt ceiling (unsurprisingly, the result was a resounding "No"). We think we should take this opportunity to make an in-depth analysis of the possible development in the next few months, that is, the volatility of global foreign exchange, bonds and stock markets may increase.
Some companies have followed up the global bond issuance to help replenish the funds quickly exhausted due to the active acquisition of land banks.
Due to large-scale land hoarding, some developers have turned to global bond issuance to supplement their rapidly declining capital reserves.
At some point, as most large economies adopt the same fiscal policy, the global bond market will begin to suffocate.
At some point, as most major economies adopt the same fiscal policy, the global bond market will suffocate.