1 JPY =0.08038 RMB.
1. Attach the foreign exchange market trend to the futures foreign exchange market software.
2. Major financial websites also have foreign exchange quotations.
3. You can also check the exchange rate through the foreign exchange inquiry tool that comes with your mobile phone.
4. Most mobile phone futures market softwares also have exchange rates of major currencies.
Exchange rate calculation
Direct quotation:
Rate of exchange rate appreciation and depreciation = (old exchange rate/new exchange rate-1)* 100
Indirect pricing method:
Rate of exchange rate appreciation and depreciation = (new exchange rate/old exchange rate-1)* 100
The result is that a positive value indicates the appreciation of the local currency, and a negative value indicates the depreciation of the local currency.
Extended data
Determination of exchange rate price
There are basically two ways. The first way is to follow the laws of the market and be determined by market supply and demand.
If the two curves in the graph can automatically find their equilibrium point, there is no need for external intervention. If the supply and demand of the dollar are completely equal, its value will be stable at an equilibrium point and will not change.
Except for the equilibrium point E, the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar is in an unbalanced state anywhere in the figure. In this case, the decision of exchange rate is in the hands of the government, depending on what kind of unbalanced state the government wants to maintain this exchange rate.
This is the second method, the government intervenes in the market.
In addition, this imbalance is related to the balance of payments. If the balance of payments is a surplus (for example, China's current account is a surplus, and the capital account is also a surplus for a long time), then the supply of US dollars in the market will exceed the demand, and there will be pressure for depreciation of the US dollar and appreciation of the RMB. If the government does not want the RMB to appreciate, it will have to intervene in the foreign exchange market, buy dollars and accumulate foreign exchange reserves.
If the current account and capital account are in deficit, or the balance of payments is in deficit, and the demand for dollars is greater than the supply of dollars, the central bank will have to put dollars into the market to keep the exchange rate at an ideal level, thus consuming foreign exchange reserves.