Crew: 15 and a political commissar.
Length: 5 1 ft 4 inches
Height: 15 ft 3 in
Width: 10 foot, 10 inch.
Turret height: 37 feet 8 inches
Weight: 138 ton
Engine: 3 times of V-2 600 horsepower.
Top speed: 13 miles
Maximum travel: highway; 98 miles; Cross-country: 43 miles
Armor: 70 mm-160 mm;
Total equipment: 2×152mm; 2 × 76.2 mm; 1x 45mm; 2× 12.7mm DShK antiaircraft gun;
2 × 7.62mm Maxim machine gun; 14× 7.62mm anti-aircraft machine gun;
BM- 16 × rocket,
2 1933 flame throwers. KV 1 Heavy tank is equipped with 76 guns, and the thickness of basic armor is 75mm, and the thickness of protective armor is increased to105-110 mm. KVVI beast. Stalin ordered the design of "land warships". This is a monster with three towers and is very heavily armed and armored, which can resist all kinds of attacks. When designer Stalin complained that the vehicles in the three towers were too long to reach the acceptable turning radius, Stalin's answer was: "No need to drive, it will drive directly into Berlin." The final design scheme is called "behemoth". It is an integral part of the multi-line turret tank designed with the existing fuel tank, which was accelerated by Stalin's pressure. Because of its huge weight, the tank is equipped with wading equipment, which enables it to cross rivers as deep as 9 feet. The team also designed a mobile watchtower, which can be used to shoot howitzers and rockets directly, and is located under the turret. The prototype194165438+was completed for the first time in February and sent to Moscow for national defense.