1. Definition of lever arm
Lever arm refers to the vertical distance from the point of force to the fulcrum of lever, which determines the effect of force on lever. When drawing, the acting point of force and the fulcrum of lever should be marked, and the length and direction of the arm of force should be indicated by straight lines.
2. Drawing examples and illustrations
In this example, the fulcrum of the lever is the midpoint, the upper part represents the point of force, and the lower part represents the fulcrum. Draw two vertical line segments, and the distance from the point of application to the fulcrum becomes the arm of force.
3. Use lever in practical application.
In practical application, lever is often used in various mechanical and physical devices, and drawing the lever arm is helpful for our understanding.
For example, in a crane, drawing a lever arm helps to determine the distance between the load and the starting point, as well as the length of the fulcrum and rod. In this way, the required force and rod angle can be calculated to ensure the stability and efficiency of the crane.
4. Expanding knowledge (expanding knowledge)
Besides drawing examples, you can also use numbers and formulas to represent lever arms. The length of the moment arm can be expressed by the measured value of vertical distance, and can also be calculated by geometric formula. In statics, lever arm is also very important for calculating torque and equilibrium conditions. The moment is calculated by multiplying the force by the arm, and the balance condition requires the total moment to be zero.
To sum up, drawing the lever arm diagram is helpful to understand the principle of lever and the function of force, and at the same time, it can provide more accurate calculation and analysis through digital and formula expression.