Six parents. Six parents use it together, each for his own use. The world is for itself; Use god as the judge. Ghosts and ghosts refer to the change of yin and yang.
Parents: Ask parents or people the same age as their parents, as well as teachers, to take care of their houses, clothes, boats, articles, contracts, documents, etc. Parents should use God.
Official ghosts and gods: those who measure fame, seek officials, officials, ghosts and gods, and wives measure their husbands regard official ghosts and gods as gods.
Brothers and sisters: all brothers and sisters, cousins, regard brothers and sisters as gods.
Wife wealth: all wives, brothers and sisters-in-law regard wife wealth as their god.
Children and grandchildren are children, sons-in-law, nephews, loyal ministers and good generals, and doctors regard children and grandchildren as gods. Measuring six livestock and poultry is also based on children and grandchildren.