In your example, there is no such thing as' purchase price 1500' purchase quantity 10' sales price 1000' sales quantity 50', because the purchase price is greater than the sales price' this kind of order will be sold immediately after input' and will not be displayed in the position of' buy one and sell one'.
If you are buying, then your transaction price is the price between the final transaction price and the selling price. After the transaction, the latest price becomes the price you just closed.
If you are selling, then your transaction price is the price between the final transaction price and the purchase price. After the transaction, the latest price becomes the price you just closed.
Change your example to' reverse trading', such as: sell a price 1500' sell a quantity 10' buy a price 1000' buy a quantity of 50' if the previous transaction price (the latest price) is 1300', if
1' You buy 10 lot at 1600'' As soon as your order enters', you will immediately make a deal with the 10 lot that sold the first hand'. Transaction price III (entrusted price 1600' latest price 1300). At this time, the latest price becomes 1500'' Although you bought it at 1600, the actual transaction price is 1500'' You saved it 100'' Hehe.
2' You buy 10 lot at the price of 1400' because the selling price at this time is 1500', the highest selling price is yours 1400' and the lowest selling price is 1500', but it will become yours/.
Transaction sequence is price priority' time priority under same price'
The transaction price of the bought order will not be higher than the entrusted purchase price, and the transaction price of the sold order will not be lower than the entrusted sale price.
Once the transaction is completed, the latest price will become the transaction price just now, and the latest price will not be calculated by the unfinished purchase and sale order.