Stock-type funds mean that the main investment direction of the fund is the stock market, and the proportion of fund funds is mainly based on holding stocks. Returns and risks also depend on the stocks held. During the bull market period, or when the individual stocks held are trending well, the returns of stock funds are relatively obvious.
Index funds are funds that invest in index constituent stocks. That is, they build an index fund investment portfolio by purchasing a portion of the stocks included in an index. The purpose is to make the change trend of this investment portfolio consistent with that index. The index is aligned to achieve approximately the same rate of return as the index. Compared with stock funds, the returns of the index are reflected in the long-term trend and have little correlation with the trend of individual stocks.
Bond type means that the fund mainly invests in the bond market. Through a combination of the bond market, seek relatively stable returns such as treasury bonds, corporate bonds, etc. Bonds generally have relatively stable returns and lower relative returns and risks.
Hybrid means that the fund's capital allocation does not just concentrate on a specific market. Diversify your investments in the stock market, or the bond market, or other markets. Can diversify market risks. In order to receive a relatively average return.
The risk of bond funds is relatively low. It is recommended for beginners to buy bond funds. 161010 Fuguo Tianfeng has an annual return of more than 10%. You can buy it by bringing your ID card to a securities company to open a Shanghai and Shenzhen trading account. It is an on-site trading type. fund.