DOTP can be certified by the European Union. D0TP has passed 73 tests and 6P tests, and it is an environment-friendly plasticizer. Because the temperature-resistant standard of cable material was changed from 65°C to 70 C, and the production of high-carbon alcohol (C9 C 10 alcohol) in China was basically blank, di (2- ethyl) hexyl phthalate not only solved the problem of using plasticizer in the production of cable material with temperature resistance of 70 C, but also the raw materials could be based in China, so the application of DOTP products was rapidly applied in the industrial plastics industry.
Performance of D0TP
DOTP is the main plasticizer of PVC plastics with excellent performance. Compared with dioctyl phthalate (DOP), it has the advantages of heat resistance, cold resistance, non-volatility, good flexibility and electrical insulation, and shows excellent durability, soapy water resistance and low-temperature flexibility in products. Because of its low volatility.