What kind of money do you use to open an account? Common currencies are: USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, etc. Therefore, if a company opens an account in RMB instead of USD, there is definitely something wrong. It is probably a gambling transaction, and the investor's list does not enter the international market at all.
Who should be supervised: chinese gold and silver exchange society is generally chosen as an account opening platform in China, among which AA is the best.
Who to open an account for: Generally speaking, incoming funds are managed by a third party. It should be noted that when you open an account, you sign a contract with the platform company, not with the company that represents the platform. The same is true of the deposit, which is entered into the legal person account of the platform company, not the account of the agency company, and cannot be a private account.
What trading software to use: Formal trading software should include quotes, transactions, information and so on. And the data is a real market transaction. Generally, MT4 trading software is used.