What is the market value of 50etf option contracts? 50etf option is a popular investment method in recent years. Many investors have a 50etf option account, and then it will involve a term-position, and then in the 50etf option contract, it will also involve the contract market value. In fact, the market value of a contract is the market value calculated from the transaction price of a contract, which is equal to the option price * contract unit.
How to calculate the market value of 50etf option positions? How to calculate the market value of 50etf option positions? The contract unit of 50ETF options is 10000. Suppose the closing price of a contract is 0.0567, then the market value of the contract that night is 567 yuan. In fact, it is the total amount you will pay or get by buying and selling this contract. In the transaction, the position of 50ETF options is mainly decided by the buyer. The higher the enthusiasm of the buyer, the higher the volatility of the option, and the seller is willing to provide more liquidity, so the position is bigger.
The code of 50etf option is 5 10050, from which relevant data can be found. In fact, the option market and A-shares are closely related. Investors should pay close attention to the recent attitude of northbound funds before trading, and pay attention to the real-time inflow of northbound funds when trading.