It should be called a day trader. The English expression of a day trader is daytrader. The original meaning is an individual investor who frequently enters and exits the stock market online and offsets several transactions on the same day to ensure profits.
As the name suggests, day trading means establishing and closing the same position on the same day. Any individual who engages in this type of trading is called a daytrader. The definition of intraday write-off is very simple and easy to understand. A day trade is a position that is opened and closed within the same day. The time gap between opening and closing a position can be seconds, minutes, or hours. What remains the same is that traders never allow any position to be held until the next day. For example, John buys 1,000 shares of a company at a share price of £5. Two hours later, the stock price rose to 5.1 pounds. He sold the shares and made 100 pounds. This is a simple example of betting. When John buys 1,000 shares, he establishes a position, and when he sells his holdings two hours later, he closes the position. This is a profitable hedging trade, but losing trades are also common. However, being a trader does not require him to make a profit every time he trades. His purpose is to trade as much as possible in a day, hoping to win more than he loses, and at the end of the day, he will make a profit. , even if it’s just a little bit.
Of course, the goal of making profits every day as a trader may not be achieved. Even the most experienced traders can lose money. At this time, what the trader should do is to accept the fact of loss, and then shift his mind to the fact that there will still be many opportunities to make up for the loss and even achieve the goal of profit tomorrow. After reading this, you may have made a conclusion in your mind that day writing is very different from traditional investment wisdom. Traditional investment wisdom tells people to adopt a "buy and hold" long-term investment attitude, patiently weather the volatility of the stock market, and wait to create good returns in three, four, or even five years. In contrast, traders do not care about long-term investment. Their purpose is to rush in and out of the market on the same day and make profits, and it is best to operate back and forth several times a day.