First, the yield of green onions is not good. The price of a commodity suddenly soared because its quantity was too small. If it rains frequently, the output of some vegetables, such as green onions, may drop sharply. This is the case. Once the weather changes dramatically, the output of green onions may drop sharply, and the price will indeed soar suddenly.
Second, there is a large demand for green onions, which can be eaten directly or used as seasoning in cooking. Stir-fry the green onions until golden, and then stir-fry other dishes, which can make the taste of the dishes more excellent, resulting in the demand for green onions in every household. When the output of green onions drops, the price will naturally become very high.
Third, some other vegetables can be used instead. If the price of green onions is really unbearable, you can also use some other vegetables instead. For example, onions are a good choice.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is where I am right? What is the reason for the skyrocketing price of green onions? ? If you have a better idea, please leave a message in the comments section below.