Red face and white face come from Peking Opera facial makeup. Generally, loyal officials or good people are dressed as red faces, while treacherous officials or bad people are dressed as white faces. It means that when doing something, two people cooperate, one plays a friendly or lovable role and the other plays a strict or annoying role.
Brief introduction of Peking Opera facial makeup:
Peking Opera facial makeup is a special makeup method with China cultural characteristics. Because every historical figure or a certain kind of figure has a common score, just like singing and playing music should be based on the score, it is called "Facebook".
Facebook is divided into: full face, three-tile face, cross-fronted face and six-tile face, broken face and crooked face, monk face and eunuch face, ingot face and pictographic face, fairy face and clown face, little demon face and hero face. The artistic characteristics of Peking Opera facial makeup are deformation, vividness and implication, and it is a kind of makeup art. Its color painting methods are basically divided into three categories: rubbing face, wiping face and hooking face.
Facial patterns are very rich, generally divided into forehead, eyebrow, orbit, nasal fossa, mouth fork and floor of mouth. The pattern of each part is different, regular and inconclusive.