Buy expired goods in Taobao. How to solve it. What if the merchant does not pay 10 times the compensation?
If you apply for a refund, the seller should agree. You can ask the seller to bear all the freight, including the postage for mailing things back. If the seller doesn't agree, you can apply for Taobao Xiaoer to intervene and upload the evidence, and Taobao Xiaoer will support you. Then you can return it and get a refund. You ask the seller to pay you 10 times the compensation. If the seller refuses, you can complain about him, but only if the transaction fails, that is, if you want to return the goods and the refund is successful. You ask the seller to give you a refund, bear all the postage and win, but ask the seller to give you 10 compensation. I can tell you responsibly that I will, but only if you need to pay a lot of time and energy, which is far beyond compensation. You can call the relevant departments and write a report, but it will take a long time, not as simple as you think. As my friend upstairs said, it is not easy for sellers to make money. Taobao is very hard, and working in the dark from morning till night doesn't make much money. Maybe it's to support the family. I sent you futures through negligence for a while. If he has a good attitude, then don't even think about returning the money to you.