In addition to controlling the relative price of stocks, medium and long-term value investment mainly studies the fundamental analysis of listed companies, including operating conditions, financial conditions, industry prospects, macroeconomic cycles and so on. Investment is risky, so be cautious when entering the market. As an investment, losses are normal, but we must look for lessons and experience in failure. Stock trading must be familiar with stocks, and you probably need to know what stocks are available on what topics. Compared with learning technology, there are many books and audio-visual materials. The main reason of mentality may be how to avoid the weakness of human nature.
Technology needs practice to ease. No matter how good the technology is, it goes without saying that it is a mule or a horse. I often say that simulated trading does not represent actual combat level. 1w stock trading is different from 100w stock trading and spare money stock trading are also different from borrowing money to stock trading. This is mainly related to mentality. It is best to have skilled people and acquaintances in stock trading, and you can take a lot of detours in operation. The best time to open a position is on the day when the bottom bulls are formed, or on the day of the Dayang line, when the transaction volume is more than 5 times, it is best to open a position at the daily limit;
In the field of stock trading, especially in the developing stock market, investors need to keep an old learning attitude and never consider what secrets can be eaten all over the world, but after the relaxation of different markets, they always keep up with the changes of the market. Stock trading requires courage and mentality, both of which are indispensable. Some people are not suitable for stock trading. Stock trading must understand that whether it is the market or individual stocks, the unknown will produce fear, whether it is up or down.