Whether the loss can be recovered depends on the individual's financial strength and risk tolerance. If investors have enough funds and are sure that the varieties they invest in will rebound in the future, it may be helpful to cover their positions. However, for investors with limited funds, blindly covering positions may further lose the principal. In addition, investors should be aware that there is a certain balance between market risks and returns, and the pursuit of high returns is often accompanied by higher risks. Therefore, covering positions should be based on sufficient market research and reasonable risk control strategies.
Most importantly, covering positions should be based on a comprehensive evaluation of investment strategies and investment varieties. Different investment strategies are suitable for different market conditions and personal preferences. Covering positions can be a strategy, but it is not the only way to solve all losses. Investors should learn from failures and constantly improve their investment decision-making ability. In the process of investment, sticking to the principles of risk control and asset allocation and finding more potential investment opportunities are the key to truly help investors recover their losses.