For the general pricing model, the option price is determined by the following factors: the current price of the underlying asset, volatility, risk-free interest rate, option expiration time and exercise price. Among these variables, except for the constant exercise price, the change of any other factors will cause the constant change of the corresponding option value, and also bring investment risks to the option. As a financial indicator to measure option risk, Greek letters are often concerned by professional investors. This paper mainly introduces the following Greek letters that need to be paid attention to:
Second, the significance and use of each index
Incremental value
(1) meaning
Delta value, also known as hedging value, is a measure of the range of option price change when the price of the underlying asset changes, that is, Delta= option price change/spot price change of the underlying asset. Variables such as the underlying asset price, exercise price, interest rate, volatility and the number of days of maturity will all affect the Delta value.
(2) Nature
1, the Delta value of call option is positive (0~ 1), and the Delta value of put option is negative (-1~0), because the Delta value of equivalent call option will be close to 0.5 when the stock price rises, while the Delta value of equivalent put option will be close to -0.5. :
Relationship between Delta of Call Option and Put Option and Stock Price
2. When other conditions remain unchanged, the Delta value of the call/put option increases (decreases) with the increase (decrease) of the underlying asset price;
3. As the term decreases, the actual call (put) option Delta converges to1(-1); Delta of flat call (put) option converges to 0.5 (-0.5); The Delta of hypothetical call/put options converges to 0;
(3) Application
Delta average is usually used for neutral hedging. If investors want to hedge the risk of option positions, the Delta value is the hedging ratio. If the Delta value of the position is 0 continuously, a neutral hedging strategy is established. To put it simply, taking short-term call options as an example, suppose that the delta of a long-term call option is 0.8, and selling a call option requires buying stocks with delta(0.8) to hedge, so as to achieve the hedging effect.
Gamma value
(1) meaning
Gamma value reflects the influence of option price on delta value, that is, the ratio of delta change to futures price change. In addition, the current increment value will be approximately equal to the previous increment value plus or minus the gamma value.
(2) Nature
1. For correct positions (positions obtained by buying and opening positions), the gamma values of call options and put options are positive. For obligation positions (positions obtained by selling open positions), the gamma values of call options and put options are both negative;
2. The Gamma value of flat options increases rapidly with the approach of maturity, and the deep or imaginary options approach zero with the approach of maturity;
3. The greater the 3.Gamma value, the faster the delta value changes. Delta neutral hedging, the greater the absolute value of Gamma, the higher the risk; On the contrary, the smaller the absolute value of γ, the lower the risk. When the out-of-price option becomes parity, its Gamma value reaches the highest.
(3) Description and application of gamma risk
As can be seen from the above figure, when the underlying price rises from S 1 to S2, the option price changes from C0 to C 1. When investors hedge, the relationship between option price and stock price (that is, the curvature of the curve) will cause the error of the operation result. The greater the curvature of the graph, the greater the error. The gamma value is also the derivative of the tangent, that is, the part of the curve from C 1 to C2 above the tangent. Gamma is a measure of the curvature risk of this part. When trading options, we must understand the risks of gamma and eliminate such mistakes.
When the absolute value of Gamma is very small, it means that the change speed of Delta is very slow, and investors do not need to trade Delta Neutral too frequently. However, if the absolute value of γ is large, it indicates that δ changes rapidly. At this time, time has a strong effect on the option price, and the Delta neutral trading portfolio strategy needs to be adjusted in time, otherwise the risk is great.
θ value
(1) meaning
θ value is defined as the ratio of portfolio value change to time change under other conditions unchanged. Also known as portfolio time loss, it shows how much the option value will be lost every day. Assuming that other conditions remain unchanged, investors can use the Theta value to roughly calculate the time cost of continuing to hold options.
(2) Nature
1. Generally speaking, with the decrease of the term, the value of the option will decrease. The θ values of the options are all less than 0;
2. As the expiration date approaches, the θ of flat options decreases rapidly, and the absolute value of θ of flat options is greater than that of real options or imaginary options near the expiration date. The picture shows the relationship between the underlying asset price and θ value:
(3) Application
Therefore, in the volatile market, it is not cost-effective to hold options for a long time, especially those with higher θ value. Because even if other conditions remain unchanged, investors will continue to suffer losses caused by the loss of time value of options. Therefore, it is more cost-effective for investors to hold options for a long time only when the trend is clear.
In addition, if Delta hedging is imperfect, a better hedging strategy should include second-order risk (Gamma) and time risk (Theta) of the underlying asset price. Based on the three risk indicators, for a non-dividend underlying asset, its θ, δ and γ have the following relationships:
Vega value
(1) meaning
Vega value is the sensitivity of option price to the fluctuation of underlying asset price. It measures the impact of option price fluctuation on option value. The greater the Vega value, the greater the volatility risk investors face.
(2) Nature
1. Generally speaking, the Vega value of flat options is the highest, while the Vega value of real options and imaginary options is lower.
2. As the expiration date approaches, the Vega value of flat options will converge to 0 quickly;
3. The Vega value of options with real or virtual depth is close to 0.
(3) Application
If the Vega value of investors' positions is positive, they will benefit from the increase of price volatility. On the contrary, if the Vega value of an investor's position is negative, he will expect price volatility to decrease. In addition, when investing in options and warrants, we should pay more attention to the trend of related assets. When there is a clear expected direction for stocks or indexes, we should also refer to other factors, such as the execution price, maturity date, Vega value, issuer quality, etc., before making investment decisions.
ρ value
(1) meaning
ρ value is the sensitivity of option price to the change of (risk-free) interest rate. The higher the price of the underlying asset, the longer the time from the maturity date, and the greater the Rho. However, in a relatively short period of time, the interest rate changes infrequently and the range is not large, so it is often discussed in the trading of long-term maturity options.
(2) Nature
1, the shorter the term, the smaller the absolute value of ρ of the option;
2. The ρ of call option is positive, and the ρ of put option is negative;
3. Rho of deep real option is close to 0, and Rho of deep imaginary option rapidly converges to 0 with the approach of maturity.
(3) Application
In practice, the issuer needs to buy relevant assets from time to time when hedging options, and the related practices involve interest costs. When the interest rate rises, the interest cost of the issuer holding related assets will increase, which will drive the value of call options to rise; Similarly, when an issuer sells a put option, it must sell the relevant assets to hedge it. Raising interest rates can increase the interest charged by the issuer, which will be reflected in the put certificate and its value will be cheaper. Generally speaking, options with deep prices have the highest sensitivity to interest rate changes because they need the largest amount of investment, so their Rho value is also relatively large. In addition, the longer the term, the higher the Rho value.
Third, the comprehensive view of Greek letters.
If we buy a simple contract, we will have a comprehensive expectation of the underlying assets represented by each letter. Then adjust the strategy according to the performance of the underlying assets.