, it needs to collect and pay 16, yuan. If you spend 7,4 yuan a month on products with a return rate of 1% (mainly funds), you can get a down payment of 16, yuan in two years, which requires Mr. Wang to be fully frugal in his daily life every month. But it is feasible. For Mr. Wang, it is better to choose which repayment method. I suggest to choose the equal principal and interest repayment method for repayment. The monthly repayment amount can be calculated. It is more convenient to calculate; If Mr. Wang does not have enough confidence in the future and his earned money remains stable, we can consider the repayment method of average capital with less and less repayment amount. This will solve the bad financial problems caused by the lack of such high income with power consumption!
my conclusion is that
assuming that the bank deposit interest rate is 5%, you deposit 1, yuan in a 3-year period as the future retirement living expenses, try to calculate how much money you can withdraw when the deposit expires by simple interest and compound interest respectively
A * * * is: compound interest is 432,2 yuan, and the simple interest is 25, yuan.