The Securities and Futures Commission is responsible for enforcing the laws governing Hong Kong's securities and futures markets and promoting and assisting the development of these markets.
According to the Securities and Futures Ordinance, the statutory regulatory objectives of the CSRC are: to maintain and promote fairness, efficiency, competition, transparency and order in the securities and futures industry; Raise public awareness of the operation and function of the securities and futures industry; To provide protection for the public who invest or hold financial products; Minimize criminal acts and misconduct in the securities and futures industry; Reduce the systemic risk of the securities and futures industry; Take appropriate measures related to the securities and futures industry to assist the Financial Secretary in maintaining the financial stability of Hong Kong. The Securities and Futures Commission fulfils its mission to ensure the continued success and progress of Hong Kong as an international financial centre.
Structurally, the CSRC is divided into four operational departments: corporate finance department, intermediary institutions and investment products department, law enforcement department and market supervision department. The Legal Affairs Department and the Enterprise Affairs Department provide support services to the CSRC. ..