In 699 BC, the strength of Lu was very strong. Lu, Ji and Zheng joined forces to attack Qi, Song, Wei and Southern Yan, and finally Lu, Ji and Zheng won. From then on, Ji Guo began to settle down. In 695 BC, three governors hoped that Qi and Ji would live in harmony at the meeting of the Three Kingdoms Alliance. But just this year, the Qi army invaded the border of Lu, and the armies of the two countries fought at the border of Lu.
This made the alliance of the three countries a big joke, and the harmonious coexistence of the three countries became a bubble and disappeared. In 694 BC, in the second year of the war between Lu and Zheng, both the king and Zheng were killed. Lu and Zheng Huimeng, but not, so the situation deteriorated.
In 693 BC, the army of Qi sent troops to attack Qi and was defeated by Qi. Qi also occupied the land of the three cities of Qi and even drove away all the civilians here. In 69 BC1year, Qi was divided. Ji Guojun's younger brother, Ji surname, gave the land of Ji State to Qi State and was willing to be its subsidiary. Also in this year, Duke Zhuang of Lu wanted to discuss with Zheng Wang whether to save Ji, and Zheng Wang rejected Lu's suggestion on the grounds that Zheng was also unstable at home. In 690 BC, Qi's army attacked the capital of Qi. The princes of Qi also fled to other places. Since then, the state of Kyrgyzstan has perished, and a vassal state has disappeared.