The dividing line of RecyclerView is drawn by canvas and setting the project offset. You need to know two ways.
GetItemOffsets () and onDraw methods
GetItemOffsets is used for each ItemView.
OnDraw: Traverse and modify colors.
As we can see, the user-defined TestDividerItemDeoration only implements one method, getItemOffsets (). There are four parameters in this method.
Direct export
View view
RecyclerView parent
RecyclerView。 State state
The green area represents an ItemView in the RecyclerView, and the orange area outside is the corresponding Outward, that is, the offset area between the ItemView and other components, which is equivalent to the margin attribute. You can control the interval in all directions by overriding the getItemOffsets () method, and then specifying top, left, right and bottom in outRect.
In this way, a simple separation line effect is realized, but the effect of this method can only depend on the background color. What if I want to customize the color of the separation line? OnDraw () is required at this time.
Source code analysis: in recycleview
Pay attention to the dividing line, there is no color, the default is white, it will be invisible.
The first plan, through
GetItemOffsets () method to split the line!
Judge whether it is the first or the last, whether it is single or double, and what type it is.
* pay attention to the dividing line, there is no color, the default is white, and you won't see it.
* @param outRect
* @param view
* @param parent
* @param status
private void testitem offset(Rect outRect,View view,RecyclerView parent,RecyclerView。 State state) {
int childAdapterPosition = parent . getchildadapterposition(view);
if (childAdapterPosition ==0) {
} Otherwise {
The second scheme: ondraw ()
@ Overlay
public void onDraw(Canvas c,RecyclerView parent,RecyclerView。 State state) {
int child count = parent . get child count();
for(int I = 0; I< children count; i++) {
view view = parent . get child at(I);
Intindex = parent. getchildadaapterposition (view);
//You don't need to draw the first ItemView.
if (index ==0) {
float divider top = view . gettop()-mDividerHeight;
float divider left = parent . getpadding left();
float divider bottom = view . gettop();
float divider right = parent . getwidth()-parent . getpadding right();
c.drawRect(dividerLeft、dividerTop、dividerRight、dividerBottom、MP aint);
? GridLayoutManager layout items are equally spaced left and right.
Thinking analysis
First of all, we know that for GridLayoutmanager, when we set spancount to 3, then the maximum width of each item is itemmaxw = recyclerw/spancount = recycle3.
Suppose our spancount is 3, then its distribution is like this without setting itemdata. You can see that the distance between the first column and the last row is different.
GridVIew's problem: The height and width of an item are fixed at first.
The 1. dividing line exists, which is not ideal, and the left and right are equal.
2. There is no distinction between up and down.
The source code is obtained as follows:
According to the source code analyzed above, we can know that when we call the method of Outrect. Set (int left, int top, int right, int bottom), the left side is always 0, the right side is always the width of the dividing line, and the width of each item minus the size of (left+right).
The left is always 0, and the right is always the width of the separation line.
What is the value of upper left and lower right?
Calculate the moving distance of each item, the moving distance from left to right.
Computational analysis:
1. The width of the left dividing line is sW (known).
2. The width of each displayed item and the width of the item defined by the layout.
3. Total divider width: totalDivider= screen width -spanCount*itemWidth
4. The width of the separation line between columns is dw = (screen width -spanCount*item-2*sW? )/(spantcount- 1)
5. How much space do you need for each item? Ew=totalDivider/spanCount (i.e. paddingLeft+paddingRight).
Left:? Left spacing value (absolute value, difference value)
Right: the spacing value on the right.
Distance moved by each item:
Item 1: l0 = SW? R0=eW-sW
Item 2: l1= dw-r0 = dw-ew+SWR1= ew-l1= 2ew-dw-SW.
Item 3: L2 = dw-r1= 2 (dw-ew)+swr2 = ew-L2 = 3ew-2dw-SW.
Get formula:
Ln= (position% span) *(dw-ew)+sw
Summary: three values dw, ew and SW are obtained.
SW: The distance to the left.
Ew: their respective average dividing lines.
Dw: width of separation line between columns
Int firstLastSpace = 50// Width of the leftmost divider.
@SuppressLint("LongLogTag ")
@ Overlay
public void getitem offsets(Rect outRect,View view,RecyclerView parent,RecyclerView。 State state) {
count++; = 20
mDividerHeight = 0;
int itemWidth =dip2px(context, 100);
int screen width = getScreenWidth(context);
int dw =(screen width-3 * item width-2 * first last space)/2; //Finally calculate the padding value.
//Myth: The total distance of the middle dividing line may be unequal from left to right.
int totalDivder = screen width-3 * item width;
log . d(" TestDividerItemDecoration "," total divider "+total divider);
int eachDivder = total divder/3;
int item position =((recycle view。 layout params)view . getlayout params())。 getViewLayoutPosition();
//Don't use the for loop.
out rect . left =(item position % 3)*(dw-eachDivder)+first last space;
outrect . right = eachDivder-outrect . right;
Wrong idea:
//Myth: The total distance of the middle dividing line may be unequal from left to right.
//Don't use the for loop.
Int firstLastSpace = 50// Width of the leftmost divider.
@SuppressLint("LongLogTag ")
@ Overlay
public void getitem offsets(Rect outRect,View view,RecyclerView parent,RecyclerView。 State state) {
count++; = 20
mDividerHeight = 0;
int itemWidth =dip2px(context, 100);
int screen width = getScreenWidth(context);
int padding =(screen width-3 * item width-2 * first last space)/4; //Finally calculate the padding value.
//You can't do this. You must ensure that the dividing line of each item is the same.
Log.d ("testdivideditemsection", "GetItemOffsets"+Count+" project width: "+itemwidth+"padding "+padding);
//Only calculate the distance from left to right.
int child count = parent . get child count();
for(int I = 0; I< children count; i++) {
If (i %3 ==0) {// leftmost item
out rect . left = first last space;
OutRect.right = padding;
}else if (i %3 == 1) {
OutRect.left = padding;
OutRect.right = padding;
}else if (i %3 ==2) {
OutRect.left = padding;
out rect . right = first last space;
Settings for waterfall flow:
int span index = layout params . getspan index();
Public class feeddorationextensions recyclerview Project decoration {
Private homepagecardpter homepagecardpter;
Public feed decoration (homepagecarder mhomepagecarder) {
this . mhomepagecardapter = mhomepagecardapter;
@ Overlay
public void getitem offsets(@ NonNull Rect outRect,@NonNull View view,@ NonNull RecyclerView parent,@ NonNull recycle View。 State state) {
if(mhomepagecardapter = = null){
if(mhomepagecardapter . getitemviewtype(parent . getchildadapterposition(view))= = HomePageMultipleCard。 home page _ MULTIPLE _ CARD _ TYPE _ FITNESS _ FEED){
StaggeredGridLayoutManager。 layout params layout params =(StaggeredGridLayoutManager。 layout params)view . getlayout params();
int span index = layout params . getspan index();
if (spanIndex ==0) {
out rect . set(density util . dip 2 px(shadow app . context(), 14),0,density util . dip 2 px(shadow app . context(),5),density util . dip 2 px(shadow app . context(), 10));
} Otherwise {
out rect . set(density util . dip 2 px(shadow app . context(),5),0,density util . dip 2 px(shadow app . context(), 14),density util . dip 2 px(shadow app . context(), 10));
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